Own Your Trips


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

2016 Resolutions: How I plan to achieve it.

Assalamualaikum and hi!

Finally!!! I'm free from exam and studies (for a month!) so here I am trying to declare my 2016 resolutions. I've been wondering how what is the best way to set aims and ways to achieve it. This year, I'm gonna do it seriously. I swear. X'D 

Therefore, this year, I'm going to strive for:

1. Complete TESL degree with flying colors (if possible, first class).
2. Expand KimFad Travel empire.
3. Blog at least once a month.
4. Be organised.
5. Cook well for my jagi (plus, learn more Korean recipes).
6. Buy iPhone 6s+ (I can't believe my hub agreed to get me this :'D Gumawo sayang!)
7. Save money to bring ibu & ayah to umrah in 2017.
8. Travel to Disneyland.
9. Learn Korean until I'm fluent (well, fluent enough to nag at my hub lol).
10. Take TOPIK.

To achieve all those, I need a plan. A plan means PLANNERSSSS! HAHA *pontianak laugh*

Now, I have few planners (don't be shocked. I'm still normal compared to other PAMians) to manage my life but I always carry around Ardium planner, a brand from Korea, for a bujo (bullet journal). I jot down things I need to do, events, purchase, meals I had, the day's goal, gratitude log and notes every day. 

Besides, I keep myself another cute journal from Korea as well, given by sister-in-law. I journal 3-4 times a week depending on my mood and things that happen that I think need to be kept in my memory (Dr.M kata Melayu mudah lupa. I'm Malay at heart. See?). 

I also have MAMBI planner, my dream as my everything-I-need-to-put-nicely planner. So, Ardium is basically my planner I don't really decorate well because it was dated 2015 monthly but since I like the bullets page, I decided to use it anyway for my everyday use. Yang janji tulis dan tak lupa buat. MAMBI tak boleh! Because I love MAMBI and it has to be perfect (visually). Whatever I wrote in the Ardium and journal, I'll write it again in MAMBI. <3

Now, I need 2 more planners, my work planner and my studies planner. LOL
I've been thinking of getting the Paperdorable planner but will survey more in Korea soon to compare. Let's see about that.

Besides those planners, I divided my goals into 2 (like having 2 semesters in a year). I write every month's goals towards achieving the major 10 goals. And divide the goals into 4 themes: studies, finance, personal and career. 

I actually have more to achieve but these are my main goals. My hub and I need to save money for walimatulurus in Malaysia (we haven't done it properly yet, and in Korea- which will cost a fortune T_T so I decided that saving my parents' umrah trip will be the priority for now, may Allah ease).

After all, I plan but I won't forget that Allah is the best planner of all. Let's hope it's my rezeki after I (of course with my hub too) work for them, insyaAllah.
Pray for me? Thank you! ^^

1 comment:

  1. Hi kak Fad! moga berjaya apa yang ingin dikecapi. Azwar tahu blog kak Fadh dari instagram, dengan perkongsian travel ke korea. Best sangat tengok walaupun tak dapat jejak lagi. Apa-apa pun happy blogging! ;)
