Own Your Trips

Monday, 23 February 2015

205 Days of Marriage : Twitter Thoughts


I can't normally write an entry in the blog whenever I want to do so, I usually tweet few things happening once in a while - randomly or when something I wanna remember happen. Then, I thought this blog must be updated before I'm gonna be busy when the spring semester starts (I promised myself to write at least once a week but look at what's happening lol). Here goes... 

Thought #1 : Adapting with new life

I never planned this. It just came out one evening when we're doing our work. LOL

Kengkonon sweet ah nak seprais buat kimbap sambil tunggu kat pintu "Yeaay, abang dah balik" *sambil tadah sepinggan kimbap*

Honestly, I started learning how to cook after I got married. Sebelum kahwin memanglah ada masak megi, air, mi sedap, nasi goreng, sardin, spageti, tapi tu pun tak berapa nak terel. Bila dah kawen baru lah menggagau wasap ibu and semorang yang ada kat wasap list tanya resepi. Masak kari je pon.

First week kat Korea, 4x masak beras Korea baru jadi cantik nasi tu. 

Sebabkan oppa dah pernah belajar kat Malaysia setahun, dia memang suka makanan Malaysia (or semua makanan pun dia balun kot). Jadi resepi selalu tukar tukar. Korean, Malay, Western atau lauk-campak-gaul-rasa. 

Paling aku suka. :3

Not surprising. We always spend hours in PSZ, UTM back then.

Selain nak menyesuaikan diri dengan life baru sebagai isteri, semua benda mesti kena share. Mesti.

Thought #2 : Miscommunication 

We speak English (most of the time), Korean and Malay in our daily conversations. Sometimes, because of the different culture and proficiency that we have, we can't understand one another. Bagai ayam dengan itik.

Sometimes, we're trying so hard to remember new words (Korean for me, Malay for him)...


Thought #3 : The unexpected reactions

There's always a lil' surprise every now and then.

Di suatu malam selepas team Korea kalah Asian League.

Thought #4 : The Korean-drama-pickup-lines-moments

Ada masa masa tu aku cakap ngan oppa "eleh, ayat tak boleh blah".
Sudah semestinya dia tak faham tapi dia suka repeat after 2 3 perkataan last yang dia dengar.

To pray Isyak together - obviously bukan dari Korean drama.

Thought #5 : Homesick

Being away with my family for a really really long time, kengkadang memang sedih and rindu walaupun dah kahwin. Kalau masa belajar jauh jauh kat Seremban dulu ke or even masa dekat UTM Johor, tiap minggu kalau boleh nak balik Klang. 

Walaupun dia tak reti nak cakap "atototo bucuk bucuk rindu rumah ye", he'll be there trying all his might to persuade me dengan kata janji manismu. Tinggal lagi dia tak boleh nyanyi lagu Janji Manismu tu je. Kalau dia nyanyi, confirm boleh terkeluar isi perut aku mengekek sebutan pelat dia tu. 

Apa apa pun alhamdulillah. Orang selalu kata "susah wei kahwin bangsa lain/orang luar ni" tapi tiap tiap perkahwinan pun ada pasang surutnya, ada ujian, rezeki yang dah ditetapkan untuk masing-masing. Kan? 

Bila tengok instagram ada yang tulis komen panjang-panjang doakan kami, tiada apa yang dapat kitorang bagi melainkan syukur.
Terima kasih :')


  1. Tahniah fad... semoge bhgia.. rase mcm nk cari korean seorg lah hehe....

  2. For sure, you must be happy with your new life right. alala, stalking your ig last and today i stalking your blog. cute both of you. hope you guys happy and longlast till jannah :D

  3. too cheesy to handle kak 😭😭😭 hahahha jagiyaaa~ biyanhae jagiyaa~ omomomo,moga kekal hingga ke syurga kak😚😘😱 amiin

  4. wahhh... so sweet. ok, ada juga yg memg tiap2 mlm bgun tahajjud doa mnta berjodoh ngan donghae.. hehe.


  5. Sho sweet!!..mesti anak cute nanti...hehehehe..cant wait for your baby..;D

  6. senyum2 akak baca dik ^_^ moga bahagia hingga ke anak cucu...amin

  7. Alhamdulillah! I like to read your tweets that you posted in this blog...so cute,so lovely! ^_^ Semoga rumah tangga you guys sentiasa bahagia sehingga ke jannah..insyaAllah!

  8. Yup, no doubt. The best love story ever!

  9. omg. you guys are so sweet, cute and funny. I'm looking forward for more strories! Semoga bahagia hingga ke jannah

  10. Alhamdulillah.... xkira bangsa ape pon hubby kite yg penting tolak ansur dan faham satu sama lain... happy for u.... semoga kekal bahagia till jannah dear

  11. Kenapa korg comel sangat... Tak sedar aku tergedik2 sorg2. Nasib baik laki xmasuk bilik lagi

  12. Cant stop giggling reading this.... 😂😂😂😂 too much of sweetness.. 😁😁😁😁

  13. Cant stop giggling reading this..m.😂😂😂😂 sweetness overdose 😁😁😁😁

  14. sweet lah both of you♥..wahh tringin nye nk kawin ngan org korea. .klau kak fad buat novel atau drama psal ni mesti laku^_^ saya akan slalu support akak yeaa hehe daebak!! gumawo kongsi pengalaman

  15. Mashaallah...i've read ur blog in d morning laughing and now i gv my 13yo daughter to read too..she laughed reading the tweets..i've really enjoyed reading ur blog n IG..
    Inshaallah if Allah permits, when me n family go to korea, i would love to use ur service.
    Hv a blissfull marriage life..aza aza hwaiting, dongseng!!!

  16. Suddenly , I stalk your ig and blog without realizing. Ececece. Hihi I do love korean language and glad to listen to your korean speaking skill .
    And happy for both of you. Dlu kecik2, berangan nk marry to Chinese man. Tp dh stop berangan, ase cm susah je nk dpt. But when look at both you, wow. Bila dah mmg jodoh, tak kemana.

  17. tahniah dia. barakallahufiq. so far this entry paling win. dah nak grad phd utm ni baru tau semlm ada adik utm yg osem mcmgni.. apapun..tggu jdik mak org lagi kalut and haru jdiknya.. all the best dik!!
