This post is dedicated to my future self and kids.
Kids, do you wanna know how I met your father?
It might not be as long as 8 seasons of a sitcom or something fancy but it's still one of the memories I cherish.
Let's start with the first meeting.
I was in BUDDIES (UTM student organization) at that time. I was assigned new international students every semester. That time, Niko and your father had been assigned to me. The international office had a program to bring the students around the campus, Mydin and Legoland at that time. I joined them and that's the very first photo of us together and Niko (Hi Niko! How are you?)
I greeted him in Korean "anyeonghaseyo" and he said "oh you speak good Korean". Trying to show off I said, "I even know 18, Gae*eki (curse words in Korean)". Until today, your father will bring this up- that I cursed to him on the very first meeting lol. His first impression of me must be that I'm rude. Mine was oh wow he can speak English better than any other Koreans I've met before. And that's that. No more. Nothing like omg he's handsome I'm melting, no.
As we had meals together with other international students, we got more comfortable with each other and we started to hang out in the library. Your dad is a hardworking student. I bet he can stay in the library for 24 hours to study and study and study (we did that a few times, staying in the 24 hour room to do assignments). I thought maybe if I study together I can be a hardworking student like him so we always meet at the library.
Can you tell? |
Months later, we got really close. He's the closest brother I had so far.
Or so I thought...
He confessed that he loves me.
I be like...
"WHAT THE... You must be kidding? You're Korean"
"So? I'm a human too"
My parents won't believe it. Then he talked to them about marrying me.
"I really like Fadhilah. I'm serious and sincere about her so I wanna marry her"
3 months later, we did a humble akad nikah ceremony attended by close relatives and friends.
Nothing fancy.
So, that's how I met your father.
p/s: Dah nak dekat setahun kahwin tapi belum buat wedding. Almaklum masing-masing tengah belajar lagi. Doakan rezeki kami dapat buat walimatul urus soon! ^^
Yaa it is not that fancy fairy tale or some sort like kdrama. But still amazed me in so many ways. Haa I pray I cud be like you. Haha. Anyway. Congratulations on ur weeding. I pray for your happiness till jannah. U r such lucky girl kak. Bcoz most of malay girls skrg dream to have a korean man to be their hubs.hehehe. may Allah bless both of you. Nanti saye dtg korea saya na mai jumpe akak. Btw akak org johor ke?
ReplyDeleteYaa it is not that fancy fairy tale or some sort like kdrama. But still amazed me in so many ways. Haa I pray I cud be like you. Haha. Anyway. Congratulations on ur weeding. I pray for your happiness till jannah. U r such lucky girl kak. Bcoz most of malay girls skrg dream to have a korean man to be their hubs.hehehe. may Allah bless both of you. Nanti saye dtg korea saya na mai jumpe akak. Btw akak org johor ke?
ReplyDeleteOrg Selangor :)
DeleteOrg Selangor :)
DeleteWaa... siss.... so sweet ....
ReplyDeleteso , he already converted before he met you or how ?? Iam really curious about your love life... so simple but nice ;)
like the way you keep it halal in modest way first.
hye! love to read your entry..keep it up! :)
ReplyDeleteSeronok baca posting awak...young lovely couple :-)
ReplyDeletesemoga kekal bahagia hingga ke jannah....
Ya Allah kak!! I'm on jealously about your story!!! I hope I will get Korean boys to married me!!! Daydream always... I hope you and your husband will getting togethr until jannah In Shaw Allah... Saranghae
ReplyDeleteNak g Korea
ReplyDeletesalam. hye. terbaca pasal adik kat Oh Bulan nye page. pastu ter'like' plak page travel ke korea tu. hehee.. macam menarik jer. Salam kenal.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulations on your almost a year wedding. By my calculations, it should be 10 months like that am I right? or correct me if I'm wrong =)
ReplyDeleteso hows life as marriage partner? Pasal walimatulurus jangan risau, boleh diuruskan bila dah masing2 free ok. As long as both of u are in your halal way right now. That's all matters. My marriage is also while im still studying and we still haven't go to our honeymoon phase yet. Lol. actually everyday is honeymoon for newlyweds. Where else can u spend time with your so called boyfriend 24/7 right? First year of marriage we went to study for 3 years. And today is our 4th years. Hardwork, struggle? Yes. But with you soulmate partner there, what more can u ask right?
Semoga dipermudahkan semua pelajaran dan majlis akan datang.
One thing at a time.
Regards to both of u =)
Love to read about ur love story (after it went viral).
ReplyDeleteWish you both a blessing love till Jannah.
Doa kan saya dipermudahkan jodoh jua :)
Aaaaaa.. Kak, ure such a lucky girl! .-.
ReplyDeleteSalam fadhi, nant nk contact mcmn ya? Kami bkg honeymoon😆
ReplyDeleteNak pergi honeymoon..😊
ReplyDeleteSo sweet and nice story of yours to tell your little 1 soon...Amin.Btw inshaalah if i go to korean i will contact you for the tourist guide and to brings me to 1 special place...SanKwanKyun College...2y ago watching the korean Drama about the college with my daugther(7y-at that time) she love it, 1st korean drama that attract her. Watching with her i am flood with millions of question..its was fun so i promise her, that i will bring her to that place when we go to korean. May allah bless you both and good luck with your study ok.
ReplyDeletewow that's cool! and yup your title caught my attention! haha
ReplyDeleteI Blog My Way
ReplyDeleteAs salam fadhi,
ReplyDeleteBoleh x buat link yg travel fadhi kt bawah tu. Akak klik xde lak. Akk nak tgk yg fadhi ke boston tu. Xpun kalau fadhi sudi bg urll ink entry fadhi ke boston bolehhh... tq in advance dik...
So sweet n Congratulations on ur weeding..akak ciku akan baca every ur post insyaAllah.Baru jumpa blog ni.moga bahagia till jannah.
wah...kisah awak sangat romantik...:)
ReplyDeletesemoga allah mudahkan semuanya fadhi :)
Xpe.. Nnt free boleh buat walimah :) yg penting nikah dah.
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ;) sudah jodohnyer orang korea ;) so sweet ... nanti bagi link untuk travel korea .. but kena saving duluuu ler kira budget anak dalam 5 oranggg haahaaa gamaiii tueee
ReplyDeletekorean boy very romantic, right?? hahaha... i know how your feeling because i'm also in a relationship with a korean boy
ReplyDeletetahniah adik fadhi. semoga bahagia hingga ke syurga
ReplyDeleteSukanya baca. Semoga kekal bahagia sehingga ke jannah Allah :)
ReplyDeleteOgoshhh ur love story went viral..happy for both of u
ReplyDeleteMay Allah bless your wedding and may He grant you happiness for you and your family for the rest of your life, kak Diela! You guys are so cute la ^^
ReplyDeleteThis should go viral. I mean seriously. End up i read your blog after stalk ur IG which is not private and i like the way you use to tell the world by your picture. Originally i know about you from Faizdickievp. Amazing. Just that.
ReplyDeleteThe best love story ever!
ReplyDeletetahniah kak! untunglaa heheh hubby sy pun mualaf gak but not like urs, from Korean. just a Iban's guy from Sarawak. but its okay, at least sy bole buat kelainan bangsa dalam family macam akak hehehe *mode gatal*
ReplyDeletesiapa kita nak menolak jodohkan? walhal ianya dah tertulis sejak kita berusia 4bulan dalam kandungan ummi. alhamdulillah tahniah awak ats pernikahan. semoga dipanjangkan jodoh hingga ke syurga. amin. jgn buli suami tauu hehehe
ReplyDeleteSemoga kekal bahagia hingga ke jannah dear
ReplyDeleteya allah.. suka sangat your love story, kak fad :)
ReplyDeleteAaaa,i bet so many girls envy to you (me too) :p
ReplyDeleteSeems like watching korean drama in real life
May Allah always blessing both of you and happily ever after
Salam,your Indonesian sister -Irin- ;))
So sweet..suka sangat tengok kak fad happy dengan si dia..
ReplyDeleteMay Allah grant you happiness for you and your family for the rest of your life. :)
so sweet..ssuka tengok kak fad happy dengan si dia..
ReplyDeleteMay Allah grant you happiness for you and your family for the rest of your life.
Kak Fad tahniah.. So sweet. Semoga bahagia selalu. Like you and your husband.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah. Congratulations on your wedding and love story Kafad. Im really glad to happen to find your ig and hear all your stories! Anyway, May Allah bless your marriage and till jannah gitu. 😊😊😊
ReplyDeleteSeriously I admire with you guys.. especially you Fathi. Well, you must be good in study cause get to go overseas... :) I wish I could be as same as you.. hehe.. Well, congratz for you guys being together.. Wish you guys happy and together until Jannah. (*even though late-wish but still..) <3<3 love to hear you guys story..
ReplyDeletekak faddd.... kak fad ambik course apa dekat utm yang melibatkan student exchange tuuu? :)