Own Your Trips

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Big Bang 0.to.10 Concert in Seoul


Any VIP readers here? I know you're excited. Some of you might be going to the MADE tour in Malaysia (1 October) soon. I'm here to share some excitement with you. Well, I am! Still excited about it after more than a month of watching the first k-pop concert ever in my whole life, in Seoul on top of that. *glittery eyes*

The first battle

Getting a Big Bang concert ticket is like going for a war. In Korea, people recruit/build a team to do that. They go to PC cafe and open ridiculously bundle of tabs to get that ticket. As for me, I asked some friends (Malays & Koreans) who are in Korea to buy it for me. But the tickets were gone in seconds. 0_0 *thunders*

That was the second round of ticket buying fyi. Since none of them got to buy any from their official website, my lovely sister from other parents helped me to find it on Twitter (Saranghe Silla nae dongsaeng). So, I basically bought the concert ticket from a third party but it wasn't as expensive as those official re-seller's website. Still, my plan to Hong Kong Disneyland this year is postponed so I can go to the concert. LOL

After purchasing the ticket, I wasn't that excited because the physical ticket was officially posted about 2 weeks later. I went to watch Big Bang MADE movie (thanks Hani :*) in Malaysia and that was the moment I thought, "man.. it's gonna be a crazy ride".

And yeah it was. Read further to know how/why.

The preparation mode

I was nervous about going to the concert because of my standing ticket. And I'm alone! When I read Korean blogs on how it was like, many of the blogs mentioned that it will be really tiring, hot & pushing people at the standing zone. I also read about things I should do/bring for the concert. These are what I bought with me:

  • Mineral water (you MUST keep yourself hydrated)
  • Snacks (bought samgap gimbap and soda)
  • Money (to buy some merchandises)
  • Tissue (to wipe my sweat or in case I got emotional and cried LOL)
Other than that, I dressed comfortably with sport shoes, loose shirt, and a backpack. I put on light makeup because I knew there's no point of having too much makeup (but I'm amazed how many of Korean fans stay with full-makeup until the end of the concert when I saw them in the subway haha).

Besides all the preparation, I booked a bed in Hapjeong, 4 stations away from the stadium because the crowds are no joke and getting on a 40-mins subway back to my friend's (Konkuk university) might not be a good idea after all the standing. Of course I'm right.


I'm at standing C! <3

I checked in the hostel on the day of the concert, which as usual, I woke up late and ended up arriving at the hostel around 12pm. Me and my tardiness lol. 

Burning Heart Hostel in Hapjeong
One bed in 6-bed female dormitory room
The room was okay for one night stay since it's the cheapest I could find. Besides, I met 2 lovely ladies (1 Chinese and 1 Korean) who were staying there for the same purpose. We were fangirling at night and watched each other's pictures and videos after the concert.

 Moving on.. I arrived at the stadium around 1pm and queued right away for the merchandises. I actually wanted to get the light stick so that y'know.. I can feel belonged to the concert. X'D 

It was freaking hot that day. 

You can't see any line, do you?

So I waited patiently while snacking, drinking vitamin water and mineral water that I bought. After like 2-3 hours, I really can't stand the hotness so I bought a hand fan (the one with batteries) that last for like an hour T____T

While I was queuing I heard some Koreans said that there are several booths that sell only lightstick and it doesn't even take 15 minutes. *jaw-dropped* I knew that around  4pm and I was alone! I can't give up my space now and bet for another chance at other booths that I don't know where! So I thought since I already waited 4 hours, let's wait a bit more (I can see the cashier by then). 

Or so I thought..... *insert suspense cue music* Guess what? I gave up around 5pm even though I was almost near the cashier because the website mentioned that the ones with standing tickets need to go in by that time. Kim said, from the blogs he read, those who were late might have no choice but going to other section later. I was so scared so I ran to the main gate like my life is going to end soon. Okay. That's exaggerating.  

When I got in the stadium, I waited for another 1 hour before they let us in our standing zone. Really regretted not to wait a bit more for the lightsticks. T___T *cry a river*
I received a wrist band as they teared off the concert ticket which then made me feel good knowing that it's limited. >.<

Not everyone's able to get the wristband. <3 <3

How it looked like when I just got in around 5pm.

Another view of the stadium omg omg oppaaaa hahahahah XD
Now, going into the C section is no joke. We have to get down to the ground level of the stadium but people started pushing one another. It wasn't in control. Some Korean fans were saying how unbelievable the concert this time. One Korean friend I met said it was her 5th Big Bang concert but this one was the worst in terms of management. I can't believe how they just didn't check our waiting number (for entrance) as we entered as well like someone can easily go to the other section. Little that I know, around 65,000 people came to watch that concert (the next day).

Before the concert, a DJ was playing some BB songs. Around 7.30pm, it started with an entrance of the kings. A Chinese girl next to me was screaming out loud I was startled a girl can scream that loud. XD 

I can't recall the sequences of the songs but I was devastated my wristband did not light up like everyone else. I even asked the girls around me and said they don't know why while looking at me with a pity face. I thought I'm gonna cry when they sing "IF YOU" and the light from others' wristbands were blinking in one except mine! TT____TT 

I would say this is the second regret I had that day. :'(

That's the end of the concert.

Came out a bit later as I need to recover my energy  after jamming for almost 3 hours. lol

Overall, of course all BB members were amazing. Daesung and Seungri talked with the audience a lot. GD & TOP, well... with their own charisma as always. Taeyang's voice is powerful, as usual. I'm glad I was a part of the concert but I still wish it could be better with the wristband part despite the fact that I didn't get to buy any lightstick before that. Satu lagi, I think I never sweat that much in my whole life ever. Baju basah, kaki tak rasa, pinggang dah macam nak tercabut. Perghh memang barai-gila barai. Hahaha. 

My biggest tips for the concert are:

  • Get a friend or better, a small group. Even if you didn't plan to buy some merchandises, during the concert, there were lots of VIPs from Chinese and Japanese other countries giving out banners, hand fans of your favourite oppa and goodies etc.  So each can go out and about finding what they can get around for free.
  • Don't be late. Go early like right after the sunrise if you can. LOL. That day, there was a booth distributing free masks purposely for the concert which I can't find where as I said, I wasted 4 hours for merchandises.
  • Learn some chants if you don't wanna be like me - I was amazed at every single thing happened throughout the concert. Kalau tau certain chants baru feeling lebih sikit. I bukan VIP tegar so I tak hafal all the lyrics or even know setiap satu lirik lagu. I just enjoyed the music and remembered the rhythms and all.

Hope this post helps (or at least make you feel excited kkk). If I were given a chance to go again, I would go with Kim - force him maybe? I saw some couples supporting each other during the concert and how some Korean boyfriends being (over)protective kipaskan awek diorang lah, suap air/snacks ah bagai, suruh awek duduk bawah pokok and beraturkan untuk merchandise, payungkan kepala awek dari sunlight dengan tangan lah kahkahkah. 
Kalau tak pun ada member yang boleh sesama feling bae bae bae pun boleh dah. 

Oh. If you want to watch some of the videos I recorded, please check on my ig: @snfad_diela or click on these links:

Farewell smile after concert be like.
Have fun at the concert guys!

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