Own Your Trips

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Travel to Korea with Us

Salam.. Hi!

For those who have bought the flight ticket to Korea in March, we wanna let you know that the promo price is still available! 

Nah. Template untuk Ke Korea KimFad.

Pakej Backpacker - Seoul only (ori price)
4h3m - RM1400 (min 2 pax)
5h4m - Rm1600
6h5m - RM1800

>Tambah RM200 setiap satu hari extra.
>Lagi ramai lagi murah.
>Price includes meals (3x a day), accommodation, public transportation, entrance fee, tour guide.

>Basic itinerary (price included these places): 
- Namdaemun
- Myeongdong
- Dongdaemun
- Nami
- Namsan (choose observatory/cable car)
- Gyeongbukgung 
- Insadong
- Cheonggyecheon
- Gwanghwamoon 
- Hanok village
- Itaewon
- Uni area (hongdae edae yonsei)

>Extra special (additional fee may applies):
- Jade garden
- Petite France
- Everland 
- Lotte world
- Mount hiking (fall&spring)
- Ski (winter)
- Culture exchange
- Nanta performance 
- Camping (fall & spring)
- Picnic 
- Namsan cable car
- KTX fast train to out of Seoul
Other place available:
>Jeju island

Satu lagi pengumuman:

Tiket pun tengah murah oiiii~! 

Tunggu apa lagi? Ke Korea le kiteeee!

Oh lagi satu. Jangan lupa like secara pukal FB page "Ke Korea KimFad" kalau takde instagram, takde whatsapp. Takde FB tak dapek den nak nolong.

Direct link here

Thanks bebanyak korang~! ^^

Monday, 23 February 2015

205 Days of Marriage : Twitter Thoughts


I can't normally write an entry in the blog whenever I want to do so, I usually tweet few things happening once in a while - randomly or when something I wanna remember happen. Then, I thought this blog must be updated before I'm gonna be busy when the spring semester starts (I promised myself to write at least once a week but look at what's happening lol). Here goes... 

Thought #1 : Adapting with new life

I never planned this. It just came out one evening when we're doing our work. LOL

Kengkonon sweet ah nak seprais buat kimbap sambil tunggu kat pintu "Yeaay, abang dah balik" *sambil tadah sepinggan kimbap*

Honestly, I started learning how to cook after I got married. Sebelum kahwin memanglah ada masak megi, air, mi sedap, nasi goreng, sardin, spageti, tapi tu pun tak berapa nak terel. Bila dah kawen baru lah menggagau wasap ibu and semorang yang ada kat wasap list tanya resepi. Masak kari je pon.

First week kat Korea, 4x masak beras Korea baru jadi cantik nasi tu. 

Sebabkan oppa dah pernah belajar kat Malaysia setahun, dia memang suka makanan Malaysia (or semua makanan pun dia balun kot). Jadi resepi selalu tukar tukar. Korean, Malay, Western atau lauk-campak-gaul-rasa. 

Paling aku suka. :3

Not surprising. We always spend hours in PSZ, UTM back then.

Selain nak menyesuaikan diri dengan life baru sebagai isteri, semua benda mesti kena share. Mesti.

Thought #2 : Miscommunication 

We speak English (most of the time), Korean and Malay in our daily conversations. Sometimes, because of the different culture and proficiency that we have, we can't understand one another. Bagai ayam dengan itik.

Sometimes, we're trying so hard to remember new words (Korean for me, Malay for him)...


Thought #3 : The unexpected reactions

There's always a lil' surprise every now and then.

Di suatu malam selepas team Korea kalah Asian League.

Thought #4 : The Korean-drama-pickup-lines-moments

Ada masa masa tu aku cakap ngan oppa "eleh, ayat tak boleh blah".
Sudah semestinya dia tak faham tapi dia suka repeat after 2 3 perkataan last yang dia dengar.

To pray Isyak together - obviously bukan dari Korean drama.

Thought #5 : Homesick

Being away with my family for a really really long time, kengkadang memang sedih and rindu walaupun dah kahwin. Kalau masa belajar jauh jauh kat Seremban dulu ke or even masa dekat UTM Johor, tiap minggu kalau boleh nak balik Klang. 

Walaupun dia tak reti nak cakap "atototo bucuk bucuk rindu rumah ye", he'll be there trying all his might to persuade me dengan kata janji manismu. Tinggal lagi dia tak boleh nyanyi lagu Janji Manismu tu je. Kalau dia nyanyi, confirm boleh terkeluar isi perut aku mengekek sebutan pelat dia tu. 

Apa apa pun alhamdulillah. Orang selalu kata "susah wei kahwin bangsa lain/orang luar ni" tapi tiap tiap perkahwinan pun ada pasang surutnya, ada ujian, rezeki yang dah ditetapkan untuk masing-masing. Kan? 

Bila tengok instagram ada yang tulis komen panjang-panjang doakan kami, tiada apa yang dapat kitorang bagi melainkan syukur.
Terima kasih :')

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Korean Skincare Routine - Personal Favorite

Peace be upon you.

My family and friends said I look brighter and prettier (I repeat, THEY SAID). Even Je Young oppa said my skin condition is way better compared to when I was in Malaysia. I don't know whether it's the weather or because of my skincare routine. 

Bare face. Hashtag no filter.
Not sure if I do get brighter but I think my complexion do look better. :p
When I was in Malaysia, I don't really consistently use any skincare (apparently I always late to classes in UTM). My skin was dry, literally. 

I started to use all those skincare products after oppa bought me The Face Shop, Mango Seed Serum and nag (or promote) about how important a serum is. I think he got annoyed of me envying how good his skin is but never tried to improve mine lol.

Here we go. My favourite Korean skincare products (#sayatakjual):

*muntah pelangi*

1. Facial wash

LUSH - Angels on Bare Skin
This is not Korean product actually. But when I did some researches on which products are the best at the moment, I stumbled upon this product somewhere and thought I should give it a try. And I LOVE it except the price T_T. Well, it's not made in Korea so that makes sense. Plus, since it's quite expensive, I sorta use it just enough for my face (and thank God for my small-normal size face). And I bought another cleanser foam which I use alternately with this one or sometimes both for double cleansing yeahh (foam cleanser first then LUSH cleanser).

Favorite cleansing foam ^^

2. Facial scrub (twice a week)

I like this scrub too. Normally I scrub gently on my nose and under my chin only. Then, leave it for 5-10 minutes.  But I think it's still not enough for by damn-witch-stubborn-blackheads. Or maybe because I sometimes forget to scrub my face even once a week. Oooorrrr I didn't do it correctly. Tehee :3

From left to right. 
Toner > Essence > Serum > Moisturizer cream > Sunblock 


3. Toner

I use Pore correcting Super Aqua toner by Missha. Not bad. ^^

4. Essence

I really like Missha's products after I tried the essence and serum (which apparently are best-sellers and many people compared them to SKII (Tak mampu diknon nak beli SKII haha). After you've applied the essence, make sure to apply serum (bak kata laki aku serum ni kunci kulit bercahaya. Kalau nak bergelita sparkling glowing, wuduk jangan lupa).

5. Serum

Time Revolution Night Repair serum by Missha. I totally love the combination of the essence and this serum! 

6. Cream

After you've applied the serum, you might feel like your face has had enough. No, you're wrong. Now, apply cream. You can choose any cream to your liking. As for me, I choose the Mango Seed whitening cream by The Face Shop. Love the smell. 

7. Sunblock

Now, you'll apply the last one before putting on any make up- the sunblock. I'm using Etude House's Super Aqua Sun Prise sunblock with 45SPF. As for this one, I just bought any sunblock that has the light texture that I like with a nice smell. I hate it when many sunblocks smell like medicine. -.- Oh and yeah, only use this in the morning (dah malam nak block matahari celah mana plak kan so kau takyah over plak pakai before tidur memang mintak tangan). 

Additional info:

After all those steps, don't forget lip balm for your lips + twice/week lip scrub treatment. Heee :D

Missha's Lip Scrub. Nivea's lip balm.

Ok. That's about it. Most Korean girls have at least 4 skincare products and some could have even 10 steps. Yup. No kidding. I plan to start wearing eye cream (which will make a total of 8 steps lol) because of my dark circles. Eye bags are fine here. In fact, when you wear make up, you have to show some eye bags to look more like a baby and younger. Usually, newborns have eye bags so that's how you might make sense of the whole thing. If you don't agree, well suit yourself. XD

As for men, these are what oppa's using at the moment.

He really likes this facial wash. This is his second bottle.

All-in-one skincare & Mango Seed essence.

Last but not least, 

Yours truly,
Kek lapis in grey pashmina.

No filter.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

FAQ #KimFadtourguide Part II

Salam. Hello ^^

Sebelum tu, yang mana belum baca Part I boleh baca kat sini.

Harga Promo:

Promo sampai bila?
Tengok kat gambar please diknon. April harga kembali normal.

Harga promo masuk apa je?
Macam biasa tiket sdn. bhd.
Yang lain (makan, minum, tempat tidur, tiket masuk basic list) kami setelkan.

Nak harga RM950.
Boleh tapi kena 6 orang keatas. 6 orang ke bawah harga 20% diskon. 6 orang ketepi takde k.

Guide orang mana?
Perempuan Melayu
Lelaki Korea
So takde masalah kalo ada group bujang trangtangtang nak datang. Cik abang Kim lah yang bawak k.
Takleh mengorat. Dorang couple halal. LOL

Bila boleh booking?
Bila2 suka. Kalau takde yang book masa tu kira on je. Kalau ada kitorang kena buat mesyuarat ahli tingkap dengan yang dah book dulu. Bila dua2 ahli tingkap setuju, kita langsung aje lah. Benda baik buat apa tunggu. Gitu.

Cemana nak booking?
RM50/person. Seriousla? Ye. Ini bukan spam. 
Baki daripada harga total bawak ke Korea dalam Korean won (boleh jimat lagi if pandai cari money exchanger yang murah pehhh dah murah tambah lagi murah. *two thumbs up*)

Bila paling lewat nak booking?
Seeloknya sebulan sebelum (kecuali group kak kiah sekampung nak naik bas keliling Korea). Pasai pa plak Kak Kiah sekampung nak naik bas keliling Korea terkecuali? Sebab bas tu bukan kampeni abah cheq Kak Kiah oiii. So, geng Kak Kiah mohon confirmkan paling lewat 2 bulan sebelum. Tapi kot ada last minute nak berjalan baru tau KimFadtourguide ni wujud, apa salahnya kalo takde yang booking tarikh sama.

Nak berkampung lagi lama kat sini?
Tambah je RM200 sehari.

Nak enjoy sampai muntah hijau kat Everland boleh?
Boleh, tiket masuk sdn. bhd.

Nak tambah tempat2 lain.
Janji tak lebih bajet yang dah ditetapkan, boleh sangat. 

OK. Cukup tak setakat ni?
Kitorang buat servis ni takdelah nak bisnes ye ye. Untuk side income je sementara belajar kat sini maklumlah study sdn bhd JPA MARA PAMA tak sponsor (living cost boleh buat kami menangis di bucu katil). Samping samping buat kerja ni, boleh mengeratkan silaturrahim insyaallah.

Apa lagi? Lekaih.