Own Your Trips

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Night routine

Peace be upon you.
Hello! :D

I was about to hit the sack when I suddenly remembered that I haven't done a few things. 

I have a list to almost everything (a syndrome I don't know what it's called). Shopping list, Wish list, Spiritual list, Books-to-read list, Movies-to-watch list, Kdrama-to-download list and the list goes on.

Before I sleep, I will list at least 3 things that I'm thankful for today. It's one of the ways to remind myself - how fortunate I am. Besides, focusing on the positive things will develop positive energy in your brain, a way to be happier (sure I read it somewhere).

I learn that forgiving someone makes me feel better. Be able to forget it is the best feeling. It's not for the sake of those people you're forgiving but your own. Try it. Do it sincerely and you shall live in peace.

Sometimes I just hate to do this before sleeping - drink plain water. Because I might wake up in the middle of the night answering nature call. But can't help it since it's good for my body. 

A very organized person like me (ehem if you know what I mean) has this syndrome of listing things-to-do for the next day before they sleep. I have to admit that I skipped this one regularly but when I did it before I went off to bed, I felt better the next day. In what way? In a way that I have goals to be achieved that day, wake up and feeling high-spirited (ecewah), feeling good crossing the dots every time. 

For this one, hmm.. I started to have this skincare routine after I met my boyfriend who's particular on it (typical Korean, huh? kkk). Before this I don't really care if I sleep barefaced. Tapi lepas dah kena tarbiyah tazkirah apa semua dengan dia, terus jadi amalan wajib sebelum tidur haha. It's really important, you know.. yada yada blah blah.. - said one who has a nice skin. Haruslah patuh dan taat. K. 

Done everything, AURORA TIME!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

A new kid on the block.

Thank you warkah.net

OK now I have a blog. Yeay! What's next? Header. Checked. Then? Write.
I have been thinking of what I should write as the first entry for 3 days when suddenly it strikes me... For God's sake, just write. And here I am, writing my first entry. 
Actually, truth be told, this isn't really my first entry. I had a blog once (bukanblogjiwang, if you happen to read it before but it's so lame I can't believe I was the one writing ^*E#^EJs&%*@!). Well, let's just say.. I'm turning over a new leaf. :3
So... Hello! Welcome! Nice to meet you. I'm the new kid on the block, 잘 부탁 드리게습니다~~

Fadhi thinks : Keep planning and thinking won't do any of it. Better start doing it to make it comes true.