Own Your Trips

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Malaysian Student Tour Guide in Korea


If you're looking for Malaysian student in Korea to help you travel around Seoul, you've found one here!

We offer you GROUND PACKAGE/daily tour guide mainly in SEOUL. Price is for 1 person, DOESN'T INCLUDE FLIGHT TICKET.  


Malaysian female.
1 year exchange student in Seoul.
Able to speak basic and survival Korean.
Fluent in Malay and English.
Extra points: not bad at taking photos. Married to a Korean. Thin but fit. Excellent at shopping. 

Besides Fad, Kim will take turn of guiding the guests around too (since both of them are students).

Korean male.
Born and raised in Korea for 26 years.
Fluent Korean and English.
Learning Malay.
Extra points: good with kids. Friendly and bubbly. Open to sharing Korean culture. 

Current promotion:


Sebabkan Air Asia tengah ada promotion (return ticket RM600 JE!!), Fad pun nak buat PROMOSI RAMADHAN & TERIMA KASIH 30K followers (on Instagram).
(Kami BUKAN TRAVEL AGENT. Kami hanya student di Korea jadi ada masa kami free, ada masa kami sibuk study. So, mintak tolong sangat2 jangan pm seketul2 soalan tu susah kami nak track. Bukan sorang dua yang pm/whatsapp kami. So please?) 

HARGA TERMASUK (harga dalam gambar PER PAX):
Guesthouse, Korean meals at muslim-friendly restaurant, PUBLIC transportation, entrance fee, airport transfer (airport bus 4pax and above only) and guide are included.
Flight ticket & personal expense (aka shopping).
Tempat2 yang boleh dilawati untuk harga yang Fad bagi:
- Namsan
- Gyeongbukgung
- Myeongdong
- Namdaemun Market
- Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP)
- Itaewon
- Nami Island
- Ewha University
- Cheonggyecheon
- Hanok Village
- Insadong

FULL ITINERARY Fad bagi hanya selepas booking. Sebab kadang-kadang ada yang nak tambah itu ini so entrance fee mungkin ada bertambah sedikit.

Upcoming trips:

Summer 2015 in Korea

Winter 2016 in Korea

Inquiry and booking, please direct to:
FB page: Ke Korea KimFad

Thank you! :D

Sunday, 17 May 2015

How I Met Your Father

This post is dedicated to my future self and kids.

Kids, do you wanna know how I met your father?
It might not be as long as 8 seasons of a sitcom or something fancy but it's still one of the memories I cherish. 

Let's start with the first meeting.

I was in BUDDIES (UTM student organization) at that time. I was assigned new international students every semester. That time, Niko and your father had been assigned to me. The international office had a program to bring the students around the campus, Mydin and Legoland at that time. I joined them and that's the very first photo of us together and Niko (Hi Niko! How are you?)

I greeted him in Korean "anyeonghaseyo" and he said "oh you speak good Korean". Trying to show off I said, "I even know 18, Gae*eki (curse words in Korean)". Until today, your father will bring this up- that I cursed to him on the very first meeting lol. His first impression of me must be that I'm rude. Mine was oh wow he can speak English better than any other Koreans I've met before. And that's that. No more. Nothing like omg he's handsome I'm melting, no.

As we had meals together with other international students, we got more comfortable with each other and we started to hang out in the library. Your dad is a hardworking student. I bet he can stay in the library for 24 hours to study and study and study (we did that a few times, staying in the 24 hour room to do assignments). I thought maybe if I study together I can be a hardworking student like him so we always meet at the library.

Can you tell?
Months later, we got really close. He's the closest brother I had so far. 
Or so I thought...

He confessed that he loves me.
I be like... 
"WHAT THE... You must be kidding? You're Korean"

"So? I'm a human too"


My parents won't believe it. Then he talked to them about marrying me.
"I really like Fadhilah. I'm serious and sincere about her so I wanna marry her"

3 months later, we did a humble akad nikah ceremony attended by close relatives and friends. 

Nothing fancy.

So, that's how I met your father.


p/s: Dah nak dekat setahun kahwin tapi belum buat wedding. Almaklum masing-masing tengah belajar lagi. Doakan rezeki kami dapat buat walimatul urus soon! ^^

Monday, 11 May 2015

Strawberry Picking


It's near summer in Seoul now. I'll miss spring as much as I'll miss winter T_T
But life has to go on... Here I am.. trying to share my last month's strawberry picking experience. 

 Just like Malaysia, in Korea, fruits are sold depends on the season. Spring means strawberry! Grapes, oriental melons and watermelons are for summer. Fall is the season for apples. Fruits out of season will be pricey than normal (mind that fruits are generally expensive in Korea). In order to get the best price, buy the fruits when the season almost over. At least that's what we did when spring almost over. Instead of just buying them at KRW4-5,000 per 500gram, we decided to go on a strawberry picking date for KRW10,000/pax for 500 gram plus making strawberry cookies! Not that cheap (during peak season it normally costs KRW30,000! whaaat?) but hey you can eat strawberries while picking so strawberry buffet yeayy. *excited*

Out of Seoul, waiting for the bus. Been waiting for about 20mins, heck let's hail a taxi.

We're hereeeee!

*sparkling eyes*

But first lemme take a selfie

*membanting tulang temulang empat kerat*

Hello baby *ngap*

Nampak tak muka leave me alone please I mean business here

I don't care ey ey ey ey ey *nyanyi lagu miss A*sukati je kan Miss A. 2ne1 la!!* duh haha ingat korang tengok gambar jeww leuls

4 mangkuk. Lagi 2 dah selamat dalam perut kami masing2 hew hew :3

Now, the strawberry cookies making! I was worried that we need to give up some of our strawberries to make the cookie dough but no, we just need to bake it. Easy peasy yaw.

Apparently, not that easy for this guy huh?

*flip shawl*

Spent almost 1 hour to make the shape nice and cute but

Mana bentuk comel2 tadi hoiiiii ceit

15 minit punya kerja

Sebelum ngap
The cookies might not look mouthwatering tapi jangan pandang sebelah mata wo. Biskut tu boleh kira macam biskut raya sedap dia. Kurang sikit je sedap dari Famous Amos. Ngeh. 
Ok. Sorry for the mix language. These days I can't seem to switch English-Korean-Malay faster than usual. *sigh* 

Anyways, let's see if I can update more soon. 

Anyeong! ^^

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Double Date

Salam. Hyeepie!

When our newly-wed friends, Yusra and Ryan came to Seoul for their honeymoon, we brought them to Rail Park and Jade Garden for a so-called-Korean-dating experience lol.
As expected, we were the only foreigners (or as some ahjussis or ahjummas labelled as international couples rotf), except Je Young... well.. obviously. XD

Were immersed in cycling, we didn't take a lot of pictures in the beginning. These are some of the pictures we gotta take in the mid-point of the track.


Say kimchiiiii hiks

While cycling

Cheese & tuna kimbap packed with yogurt drinks for lunch, Korean much nyum nyum~
After a lil bit of exercising (I have to be honest I didn't cycle much. Sempat meracuni fikiran Yusra dengan "Let the men do the work" haha), we went to Jade Garden (about 15 minutes away by subway and shuttle bus). It was our first time too and we liked it. It took about 3 hours to walk the entire garden. It's not that big but because we took a lot of pictures (every inch as we could lol) so yeah. 

Post-wedding picture.


Atoto k.

We had fun spending the whole day with them around Chuncheon, eating and talking about so many things. Too bad we can't make it to their lovely wedding. T_T 
Anyways, hope to meet them again later in JB ^^