Own Your Trips

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Everland vs. Lotte World - More Reasons to Choose Everland

Salam. Hi!

Personally, I just LOVE theme parks. Whenever I travel, I would include theme park in the itinerary. I think I will never get enough of theme parks. Here, in Korea, I love both Everland and Lotte World dearly. So please don't ask me which one I love most. I went to both twice already and I just can't decide the best one for you. If you do have to choose between the two, consider these:

1. How long do you wanna stay? Everland is big and far from Seoul (around 1 1/2 hour one way). Lotte World in Jamsil station just takes less than 40 minutes from central Seoul and smaller. 



I wanna say I'm good at taking pictures with this one. LOL

How adorable. *beam*

2. The rides or the view? Well, Everland actually thiiiis close to win both the view and the rides but bear in mind that rides in Everland generally have 30-40 minutes waiting time and the amazing T-ex never had less than 60 minutes waiting time. If you don't really like rides but you like the Disneylike view, Lotte World best suits you.

Another love of mine, T-ex

*put put your hands up put your hands up*

Before the ride with my Filipino friend, Ashley.

3. Who's coming with you? I think kids would love Everland more than Lotte World because there's safari and animal shows. It's family-friendly, really. On the other hand, I saw more couples than families in Lotte World.

"Do you think we can live in a castle like that later?" //  "I build you one in the heaven, insyaallah"

I brought my youngest sister, Aishah, to Lotte World, and she still enjoyed it! 

Eh mana Ecah?

Jyaan!! Oh I love cotton candy too.
4. Extra point: Everland has a prayer room! Should I say more?

Hope these info will help you in making decision. 

Peace yaw!

**Photos of Everland were taken just recently (March, 27) when I went there for a filed trip with my classmates.