Own Your Trips

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Culture Exchange in Korea Through Arts

Peace be upon you. Helloooo! ^^

I'm back! These few days have been waaaay hectic due to the beginning of spring semester. Anyways, I wanna share one of my favourite activities while I'm staying here. It's no other than FREE activities in Seoul Global & Cultural Center!

They never disappointed me with their prepared, fun activities for visitors and expats in Seoul. During the previous winter vacation, I gotta try painting class & dyeing class there. Check these out!

Visit their FB here.


The teacher was giving instructions and explanations.



After, With my name in Korean at the right-bottom side.


Another attempt.
Besides the enjoying the activity, you will meet other international expats/visitors. Time to throw away that socially-awkward-manner of you.


This is definitely my all-time-favourite class so far! I love playing with colours so this is what I enjoyed so much. I remembered how I love to buy colouring books when I was a kid only it's on a traditional Korean fan this time. *ear-to-ear grin*

Before & sample.

Mine is on the left side.
Besides these art classes, I've tried their Advanced Hanji class and other once in a while events they had at the center like traditional music concert and cooking class (trust me, I had so much fun every time). In fact, if you're a K-pop fans and love to dance (or even think of losing your weight by a fun activity), thery're having a K-pop dance class every Wednesday for only KRW5,000. 

For more info, do visit their FB page
